An Invitation.....

An Invitation
Come follow me...Knock and it shall be opened......Seek and ye shall find......

The Savior extends His gentle invitation. It is when we act to accept that we are blessed with a more abundant life through Him. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Together let us accept the Saviors invitation to come to know Him in a more personal way as we study the four gospels in the New Testament. From January through August 2013, there will be a weekly reading assignment and blog post where we will be able to teach and learn from one another.

As Mary, the sister of Martha, "who also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His word", let us sit together as women of faith at the feet of the Savior and learn of Him. (John 10:39)
It is when we sit at His feet that we more perfectly see the wounds that are there and gain just a tiny bit more understanding of His love for us.

And so let us sit down together.....


You are invited to participate as an author for the Relief Society scripture study blog of the 4 gospels in the New Testament, "At the Feet of the Savior."
The web address is
The reading schedule for the year is posted. To participate:
1. Go to the reading schedule through the page tab at the top left under the picture. Select any week from Jan 14th on that you would like to author
2.Let Sister Montgomery know so she can give you access and set aside that week for you.
3. Read the assignment and submit a post. You can go directly to the blog or email it to Sister Montgomery to post for you.
What to put in a post?
You do not have to address everything in the reading. Pull out what is meaningful to you and just share that. What did you learn that you didnt know before? What did you remember that you forgot? What are you prompted to share? What inspired you? Teach us. Bear testimony. Inspire in us greater love for the Savior and for His words. Add pictures if they help! If you have any great family home evening ideas to share, add those too.
Ask for help if you need it - through prayer and from your sisters.
Sister Montgomery


  1. I've never blogged before...
    So the instructions here sound kindof like being assigned a talk at church... there is an article or subject and set of scriptures... and we read them and write about them in much the same way we would talk about them if we were presenting????

  2. Yes. Just pick a week and from that reading write what you learned or what inspired you that would be uplifting to others. Does not have to at all be as lengthy as a talk at church. It can be emailed directly to me and I can then post it to the blog. I can help add pictures too if those are wanted.
    Do you have a week in mind?

    You can call or email me directly at - I dont recognize this email?
