An Invitation.....

An Invitation
Come follow me...Knock and it shall be opened......Seek and ye shall find......

The Savior extends His gentle invitation. It is when we act to accept that we are blessed with a more abundant life through Him. "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

Together let us accept the Saviors invitation to come to know Him in a more personal way as we study the four gospels in the New Testament. From January through August 2013, there will be a weekly reading assignment and blog post where we will be able to teach and learn from one another.

As Mary, the sister of Martha, "who also sat at Jesus' feet, and heard His word", let us sit together as women of faith at the feet of the Savior and learn of Him. (John 10:39)
It is when we sit at His feet that we more perfectly see the wounds that are there and gain just a tiny bit more understanding of His love for us.

And so let us sit down together.....

Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Galilean Ministry, "This is He of Whom it is Written"

noun \ˈmir-i-kəl\:  an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs; an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment.

Extraordinary events
Palsey, leprosy, fever cured - physical healings.
Unclean spirits cast out, sins forgiven -spiritual healings.

We have defined what a miracle is. But there are many other questions to answer. When I want deeper answers I put my Websters dictionary back on the desk and reach for my Bible Dictionary. It is in the pages of that volume that I find the answers to not only what, but why, and how:

Miracles. An important element in the work of Jesus Christ, being not only divine acts, but forming also a part of the divine teaching. Christianity is founded on the greatest of all miracles, the resurrection of our Lord. If that be admitted, other miracles cease to be improbable. Miracles should not be regarded as deviations from the ordinary course of nature so much as manifestations of divine or spiritual power. Some lower law was in each case superseded by the action of a higher. They were intended to be a proof to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ (Matt. 11:4–5; John 2:11; 10:25; 20:30–31). Many of them were also parabolic and instructive, teaching by means of symbols such divine truths as the result of sin and the cure of sin; the value of faith; the curse of impurity; and the law of love. The miracles of healing also show how the law of love is to deal with the actual facts of life. Miracles were and are a response to faith, and its best encouragement. They were never wrought without prayer, felt need, and faith.
It is important to notice the different names by which miracles are described. They are called signs, as being visible tokens of an invisible power; they are powers or mighty works, because they are the acts of One who is almighty; they are simply works, or the natural results of the Messiah’s presence among men; they are wonders, marvels, because of the effect produced on those who saw them.  (Bible Dictionary)
The New Testament records many, many miracles performed by our Savior, but the details for all of them are not given. Some are just mentioned in passing. That leads me to believe that the specific miraculous events that ARE shared with us must be especially noteworthy. Each containing a special lesson and purpose for us to find. A treasure hunt. Treasure that He wants us to uncover.
Seek and ye shall find.....

Requirements of miracles:
1. Faith
3. Ask

At one time or another, every single one of us is in need of both physical and spiritual healing. It just comes with the whole mortality package. What if the miracle we need is greater than our faith? What then? Is my faith sufficient for my needs? Do I have enough to lift another who is lacking?

All around us are those who are in a state of spiritual decay. We see it in the moral decline rampant in the world around us. Everywhere. You can tell in a person's countenance when they have the light of Christ. They glow! It's not hard to tell when they don't. The Jews were in a state of spiritual decay. Spiritual leprosy. Leprosy was an outward manifestation symbolic of their spiritual state. Ugly. It was also one of the more memorable maladies mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, cured more than once by our compassionate Savior.
Again, from the Bible Dictionary:

Leper. Leprosy is a terrible form of skin disease, still common in dry climates, and highly contagious. Lepers were forbidden by the law to enter any walled city. If a stranger approached, the leper was obliged to cry “unclean.” The disease was regarded as a living death, indicated by bare head, rent clothes, and covered lip. For the regulations concerning the treatment of lepers, see Lev. 13 and 14.

The Jews had chosen to turn away from the Lord. Cut themselves off from him. Likewise, lepers were not allowed inside the city walls and therefore were cut off from entering the House of the Lord, the holy temple. Sin and leprosy, both incurable by the art and skill of man. Both the Jews and the lepers in a state of living death. Cure required nothing less than a miracle.

There was a father who was in desperate need of a miracle. His only child possessed by a devil.
He had great need.

The plea for help:
"Master, I have brought unto thee my son, who hath a dumb spirit that is a devil."

The last necessity required for the miracle to be possible:
Jesus said unto him, "If thou wilt believe all things I shall say unto you, this is possible to him that believeth."
The father's desperate, tearful reply, " Lord I believe; help thou my unbelief!" (Mark 9:14-29 with JST)

The desire was there. It was enough.The boy was healed
Miracles were and are a response to faith, AND its best encouragement. (Bible dictionary)

We all need a little more help at some time or another. Sometimes we struggle more than others. Sometimes we are the ones with enough reserves to lift and strengthen. Christ is with us always, knowing what we need before we do. Even if all we have is just a tiny spark of faith. Even if all we have is just a desire to have a spark of faith. He can work miracles in our lives. It is enough.

posted by Sister Montgomery 

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